Contacts for The Organic Exchange Pty Ltd

Telephone is usually the best way to contact us.

If you are calling from within Australia, ring 02 4782 7733

If you are calling from outside Australia, dial any prefix needed get out of your country, then 61 2 4782 7733. Please check your time zone and ours before calling during our office hours - 830 am to 630 pm (0830-1830) Australian Eastern Standard time, Monday to Friday.

Our time zone is eastern Australia and is the same as for includes Sydney and Canberra. The time zone is UTC+10 or GMT+10 and that means we are 10 hours ahead of Universal Time Coordinates or Greenwich Mean Time.

Emailing us

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No body represents this as:
free from omissions
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suitable for your use
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Your situation is different from anyone else's. Make informed decisions and if necessary get advice
You can also contact us this way: contacts *at* but you will need to put the at symbol instead of *at* in that address. The address has been written that way to make it harder for the spam merchants. where you will find grazing & farming info you can walk out & use. Opens in a new window so you don't lose the page you are reading now. When you finish, close that page to return here.

Our postal address is
PO Box 624,
Katoomba NSW 2780, Australia

Our office is at 20 Clissold St, Katoomba in the heart of the beautiful Blue Mountains World Heritage Area

This page was updated on December 7, 2007

All material on this website is copyright 2007 Michael Burlace, The Organic Exchange Pty Ltd and others as shown. Material on this website may be downloaded and printed for your personal use only.

FarmRef and Organic Exchange are registered trademarks and Info you can walk out & use is a trademark of Michael Burlace.