Choosing a green manure mix

CHOOSING the best green manure variety will give you more of the benefits you want. Decide whether your need is for one particular result more than any other.

Once you have done that, it becomes much easier to get a suitable green manure mix.

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If your aim is You might choose this sort of mix
Weed control Fast-growing, large-leaved plants that shade the soil surface and compete effectively plus produce a lot of organic matter. Sown heavily, they will provide even more competition for weeds and do it sooner
Increased soil nutrients Fertilizer, legumes and plants that produce a lot of green material
You might turn them in when at least 10% of the legumes are in flower
Fewer problems with pests & diseases Plants that do not host the pest plus plants that attack the problem such as by hosting predators of the pest or by using Allelopathy - producing substances hostile to the pest
Improving soil structure Plants high in long-chain molecules, such as cereals and other grasses that produce lots of straw.
You might also choose a mix of rooting types (fibrous roots and tap roots) and rooting depths (to spread the benefits throughout the soil)
Breaking a hard pan Plants with tough, deep roots. Again, you might choose a mix of rooting types (fibrous roots and tap roots) and rooting depths (to open up all the levels and spread the benefits throughout the soil)
Reducing susceptibility to drought Plants that store a lot of moisture in the soil. Plants that improve infiltration and increase water holding capacity such as by increasing pore space and by improving soil structure. Again, you might choose a mix of rooting types (fibrous roots and tap roots) and rooting depths (to open up all the levels and spread the benefits throughout the soil)
Storing moisture for a following crop with high moisture needs or when a dry season is expected Plants that store a lot of moisture in the soil. Plants that improve infiltration and increase water holding capacity such as by increasing pore space and by improving soil structure. Again, you might choose a mix of rooting types (fibrous roots and tap roots) and rooting depths (to open up all the levels and spread the benefits throughout the soil)
Soil protection in later tillage, harvest or sowing operations Plants that improve soil structure. Plants with bulky root systems, particularly close to the surface. Plants with a high level of organic matter on the surface. However, be aware that too much organic matter can clog tillage machinery that is not designed for trash working.
Increasing nitrogen Lots of legumes and few grasses
You might turn it in at the optimal time (your local advisor could help here) to maximize the benefits.

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Some other factors to consider are

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Timing can be a key factor in getting the most out of a green manure. Sometimes the simplest approach to growing a good green manure is to just mix up any seed you have on hand and sow it. This can be better because it allows you to sow the green manure right now, and thus to take advantage of the extra time it spends producing benefits.

A green manure that gets away because it is in the ground and growing is bringing you benefits, even if they are not the absolute perfect ones. So, often it is better to put a green manure in when you can, rather than waiting until you have the ideal mix of plants.

Plus there are ways to get similar benefits with a pasture in Return a third to the soil

A suitable next step might be:
Decide the key benefits you want from a green manure and begin researching and selecting suitable plants for the mix.

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Related info:

Green manures

Green manures in orchards and vineyards

Green manures under sweet corn or tomatoes

Beat pests by using advantage


Do weeds come to heal the soil?

Return a third to the soil

Using SWOT to beat a major weed

Understanding the causes of weed problems

Weed control without chemicals

SWOT analysis to boost profit

Ground cover


Squeezing a green manure in

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Green manure mixes can deliver a range of specific benefits. To get the most benefit, select the mix that delivers the result you want.

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FarmRef and Organic Exchange are registered trademarks and Info you can walk out & use is a trademark of Michael Burlace.

This page was updated on December 27, 2007