Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP)

HACCP or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is an approach that assists in the management of any operation such as a farm, value adding enterprise etc.

HACCP is the term generally used and it is pronounced hassep.

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It is an approach to managing any operation such as a farm, value adding enterprise etc by:
  1. identifying any hazards
  2. identifying any points where it is important to take particular care
  3. working out how to deal with the hazards and points where particular care is important
  4. documenting this
  5. Then taking action on the results of the analysis.
  6. Then the lessons learned in the process need to be used to improve it.

Hazards could include potential
Critical Control Points are the stages or places where it is important to take particular care. These might include
From this HACCP analysis the farmer can develop ways to minimize or eliminate problems and ways to reduce risks. Then the plan/analysis needs to be put into effect.

In too many situations, the plan is seen as all that is necessary. Ironically, in this situation, the farmer can be more at risk because they have identified the problems. If they are later found to have caused a problem for a customer or a customer of a customer, the customer may want to check out the quality control procedures. If the procedures were known but not followed, the farmer may be more at risk of legal action than if the hazards and critical control points had never been documented.

Once you start on the quality management track, it is often necessary to go all the way.

And there are big benefits. Making sure all people on the farm work in a safe manner around dangerous machinery, animals or situations reduces the risk of loss of life, loss of capability or loss of an employee. All of these are costly in time, money and stress.

Preventing injury is a cheap and effective way to make your farming more enjoyable, more profitable and easier.

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This page was updated on December 27, 2007