
Sowing seed or putting out fertilizer by spreading it over the surface, usually by hand throwing or using a fertilizer spreader. Although throwing seed out on the ground may sound sloppy, a person skilled at hand broadcasting can spread seed or fertilizer very evenly with a satisfying curving throw. It is a delight to watch as well as do.

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Hand broadcasting or using a fertilizer spreader is a handy way to get green manures out and to over-seed areas of poor germination in a crop.

Sometimes germination is kick-started by soaking the seeds before broadcasting.

There is a special form of broadcasting that is known as "Low level simulated aerial seeding". This term tends to be used in research papers by scientists with a dry sense of humor. Basically it consists of hand broadcasting the seed in a research trial. But
sounds better than

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This page was updated on December 27, 2007